TEXT: John 3:1-21
MEMORY VERSE: John 3:36 “Except a man be again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
1. Children should know that no sinner will go to heaven.
2. Children should understand the fact that God is merciful to forgive our sins.
3. Children should be exposed to the reality of Heaven and Hell.
All have sinned.
Star the lesson a song:
Jesus said to Nicodemus: you must be born again.
1. At night a ruler of the Jews came to Jesus (John 3:1)
2. This same man though educated yet lacks the knowledge of salvation John 3:2.
3. Jesus told him except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3.
4. Nicodemus did not understand the saying of our Lord Jesus and Jesus explained to
him. John 3: 4-15.
5. To be born again is to confess and forsake one’s sins and accepting Christ as one’s
Lord and Personal Saviour. To enter the kingdom of God the requirements are repentance and
spiritual rebirth. John 3:5.
God is a merciful and loving Father who does not want anyone to perish. God paid dearly with
the life of his Son, the highest price he could pay. Jesus accepted our punishment, paid the
price for our sins, and then offered us the new life he bought for us. Jesus died for all.
Confess your sins today and let him come into your heart.
Only those who give their lives to Christ will enter into the Kingdom of God. So give him
your life today tomorrow may be too late.
Nicodemus was a learned teacher but he still came to Jesus to be taught. No matter how
intelligent and well educated you are, you must come to Jesus with an open mind and heart so
he can teach you the truth about God. Knowledge is not salvation. You should know the Bible,
but even more important, you should understand the God it reveals and the salvation He
MONDAY - John 3:16 - Believe in Jesus
TUESDAY - John 3:17 - Jesus came to Save us
WEDNESDAY - John 3:18 – Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.
THURSDAY - John 3:19 - Jesus is the Light of the World.
FRIDAY - John 3:20 – Love the Light.
SATURDAY - John 3:21 - Come to the Light.
SUNDAY - 1 Timothy 1:12-17 – Thank you Jesus for saving me. |